EuroCham Meeting with Ministry of Trade

Published on 1 December 2021

On 4 November 2021, EuroCham virtually met the Director of Import of the Ministry of Trade, Moga Simatupang. The purpose of the meeting that was initiated by the EuroCham Import-Export Procedures Working Group was to exchange views as well as updates from the Ministry of Trade related to:

  1. Government plan to Implement the Import Substitution Policy and the Commodity Balance Policy. On this topic, EuroCham member companies understand the intention of the government to develop and strengthen the local industry, but at the same time hope that such policy can still consider a conducive situation for existing industries or investments. Companies also hope for certainty in general import-export process such as in the issuance of import approval, as well as import quota.
  2. Import Provisions related to Iron and Steel, Dairy Products and its Derivatives, Tyres, Footwear, and complementary goods, goods for market test, as well as after-sales. On these topics, EuroCham expressed appreciations for progress done related to development of IT system by the Government to process import-export licensing. However, there are still great hopes that companies can be given more flexibilities to import goods such as iron and steel products without have to arrange its document of list of prohibited or restricted goods.

The overall dialogue with the Ministry of Trade was moderated by Rachmat Hidayat (Head of the EuroCham Import-Export Procedures Working Group).


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