Published on 17 October 2023

The European Union Anti-Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)”

The EBO ASEAN joint webinar entitled “Understanding Better: The European Union Anti-Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)” was successfully held this morning on September 22.

The webinar featured Henriette Færgemann (First Counsellor for Environment, Climate Action, & Digital Cooperation, EU Delegation Indonesia), with opening remarks from Edison Bako (Executive Director of EuroCham Indonesia) and closing remarks from Nele Cornelis (Executive Director of European Chamber of Commerce, Singapore (EuroCham Singapore).

During the event Henriette conveyed the general understanding and essence of EUDR. This includes the obligation to carry out thorough diligence throughout the value chain for all businesses and merchants involved in specific items such as cocoa, coffee, palm oil, rubber, soy, beef, and timber. The EUDR mandates that seven specific commodities and their related products must meet the criteria to be sold or exported within the EU market.

Given the impact on the region, Henriette said that the EU is ready to collaborate and help business actors in ASEAN, both SMEs and companies from the EU in ASEAN, to be able to continue exporting to the EU smoothly after the EUDR officially comes into effect.

This webinar is one of a series of webinars regarding EU sustainability regulations that will be held in the near future. Stay tuned for another EBO ASEAN webinar in the near future!


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