Event Reports

Meeting with Adidas

Published on 10 July 2024

EuroCham was delighted to have a fruitful meeting with Adidas, represented by Hari Nurmansyah (Senior Director), and EuroCham was represented by Edison Bako (Executive Director), Daniel Kandou (Advocacy Officer), Nadira Tatyana (Research Assistant), and Rizqi Imaduddin (Research Assistant) at the office on Friday, 28 June.

EuroCham and Adidas exchanged insights on the latest market policies in Indonesia and discussed what upcoming advocacy efforts can be done by EuroCham. EuroCham would like to thank Adidas and is very welcome for more discussions.

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Energy Working Group Meeting

Published on 10 July 2024

On 27th June, the Energy Working Group held its monthly meeting at the EuroCham's office. The meeting was chaired by Thomas Dreessen (Deputy Head for Energy Efficiency and President Director of Indesco) and Omar Abdulkadir (Deputy Head for Fiscal Policy in Energy and Taxation Service Advisor of PwC Indonesia).

The working group was pleased to have Dr. Divaldo Rezende (Carbon Market Expert from ARISE+ Program) as a speaker to present recommendations in optimizing the Indonesian Carbon Market. The presentation highlighted the importance of establishing the governance of the Indonesia Carbon scheme, intensifying the PPP model, facilitating technical cooperation and knowledge transfer, and many more. Subsequently, the meeting discussed updates for the OJK initiative in pushing compliance with the GR 33/2023 pertaining to Energy Conservation.

EuroCham Indonesia would like to thank Dr. Rezende for sharing his insights and all the participants for their active participation. We look forward to the next meeting.

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