Event Reports

Meeting with CNBC

Published on 10 July 2024

On June 26th, EuroCham had the honor of receiving a courtesy visit from CNBC Indonesia. This visit served as an introductory meeting between CNBC Indonesia and EuroCham, during which both organizations shared their practices and insights.

CNBC Indonesia was represented by Muchamad Ghufron (Deputy Editor in Chief), Ade Nurul Safrina (News Anchor), Dwininta Widyastuti (TV News Producer), Sefti Oktarianisa (Managing Editor), and Elsa Agussia Moudita (Account Executive). We would like to thank CNBC Indonesia for visiting us.

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Public Discussion on Preparing Responsible and Trusted AI Regulations for Indonesia

Published on 10 July 2024

EuroCham was cordially invited to a public discussion titled “Preparing Responsible and Trusted AI Regulations for Indonesia” hosted by Bisnis Indonesia and ELSAM on Wednesday, 26 June 2024 at Hotel Borobudur Jakarta. This was commenced by opening remarks from Wahyudi Djafar (Executive Director at ELSAM), followed by a keynote speech by Nezar Patria (Vice Minister of Communication and Informatics). Before starting the panel discussion, Parasurama (Researcher at ELSAM) presented ELSAM’s key findings of their research on current global AI regulations.

The panel discussion invited Sih Yuliana Wahyuningtyas (Head of LPPM Atma Jaya University), Ajar Edi (Director of Government Affairs at Microsoft Indonesia & Brunei Darussalam), Dios Kurniawan (CTO at INDICO), and Undral Ganbaatar (Head of Unit Social and Human Sciences at UNESCO). EuroCham would like to thank ELSAM and Bisnis Indonesia for this insightful public discussion!

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