Event Reports
Socialization of Revision of BPOM Regulation No. 21 of 2022 on Procedures for Submitting Cosmetic Notifications
On 3rd April, EuroCham attended a focus group discussion hosted by the National Agency of Food and Drug Control (Badan Pengawas Obat & Makanan) at Hotel Amarossa Grande and hybrid on Zoom.
The discussion was led by Dian Putri Anggraweni (Director of Standardization of Traditional Medicines, Health Supplements, and Cosmetics), followed by socialization on the Draft Revision of BPOM Regulation Number 21 of 2022 concerning Procedures for Submitting Cosmetic Notifications.
We would like to thank BPOM for inviting EuroCham to the focus group discussion.
Socialization of Minister of Industry Regulation on Import of Complementary Goods, Market Test, After Sales
EuroCham Indonesia participated in the socialization of the draft Minister of Industry regarding the import of complementary goods, market test, and after-sales virtually on 2 April 2024.
The socialization was organized by the Directorate General of Resilience, Regional and International Industrial Access (KPAII) Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia, and led by Binoni Tio A. Napitupulu, Director of Resilience and Industrial Business Climate.